Have you ever received or felt sound vibrations in your Yoni?
Have you ever considered that sound could heal and reset your Yoni?
No, me neither but in July 2022, I attended a beautiful Gong Experience with Di McCann and that changed. The Gong Experience was both educational and inspiring, and had some unexpected bonuses for my Yoni. For those new to the term Yoni, it is often used in tantra and for the sacred energy of the divine feminine. It is the home of the womb, as well as the vagina and vulva.
The Gong Experience was hosted for a small group and after a brief, but informative, introduction Di created a space for everyone to have a unique journey with sound, focusing on working with the sacred frequencies, the breath, movement and to experience the vibration of sound in the body.

I have attended other sound baths and gong sessions but the introduction into this session, the encouragement for breath and the permission for gentle movement was such a beautiful gift, and very different. The Gong Experience was so expanding for me that even though there was no direct focus on the Yoni energy, or on Yoni healing, it was my Yoni that received much of the vibrational sound on this journey,Di created such a space and held us all in that space in such a way that I was able to give myself full permission to completely submerse myself into this experience. I trusted that whatever this experience was it was would be right for me. The session unfolded and the sounds and vibrations ebbed and flowed. At times the sound and vibrations had me smiling and connecting to a real inner space of fun. At other times I felt very emotional and as if my body was clearing ‘old stuff’ as sound and vibration moved through me. The energy shifted and changed as the sounds within the session unfolded, the vibrational energy was magnificent.
I was very aware during the session that the sound and vibrations were not just around me in my external energy but also very much moving through me, and within me. As I gently moved my hips and pelvis, I completed different types of breath cycles and could really feel energy moving deep within me. I could feel the sound and its vibrations all over my Yoni space both externally and internally.
This was all very unexpected but as I continued to work with my breath and engaged in more gentle hip rocking, and pelvic tilting my Yoni became alive. I could really feel the energy moving within my Yoni space and as the sound and vibrations changed, I found my body moving in different ways. I felt so in my divine feminine and so awakened.

At one-point tears rolled down my face as I felt energy releasing from my body and at other point the energy felt cosmic, even orgasmic. Energy definitely moved for me and after I felt so amazing. I felt like my whole body had been reset, realigned and recalibrated. I felt so connected to my breath, my energy, my body and my yoni.
For days after I felt a deep sense of self connection and people said I looked glowing. I felt so alive within myself and felt I had gained a deep sense of knowing. I felt so inspired by the Gong Experience and so connected to my Yoni.
Everyone who attended had an experience unique to them. Everyone’s would have been different all based on their own belief systems, programming, and life events to date. There are various life experiences that can create blocks and resistance in our energy. In this session I really felt some of these blocks where released, and connection was restored.
This experience was so profound for me I asked Di if we could collaborate on an event to share my tantra work on connection to sexual energy, and her Gong Experience, with a focus on Yoni Connection. Our first workshop is on the 4th March 2023. To find out more https://lorri.kartra.com/page/yoniworkshop