Created from the heart to share some quick hints and tips for you to practice and begin to help raise your vibration and uplift your day.
Please click on the link to enjoy my free ebook 10 Frequency Tips.
Created from the heart to share some quick hints and tips for you to practice and begin to help raise your vibration and uplift your day.
Please click on the link to enjoy my free ebook 10 Frequency Tips.
Just what is Vibrational Sound Therapy …? It’s a question I’m always being asked.
It generates a whole range of reactions. From, I totally get it … to a resolute it’s all just woo-woo, isn’t it??
Is it? Or isn’t it? What’s your take on it?
The Akashic Records are an energetic database that sit in the 5th Dimension and hold information and memories for every single person that has ever
HTBB guided visualisation around the heart and the experience of Love and affinity