Finding Clarity in Times of Uncertainty

“Clarity comes from a state of mental concentration, of focusing the thoughts and paying attention”

As we navigate the bizarre turmoil of a sweeping worldwide pandemic it’s no surprise that many things are rising to the surface for us to unravel and process. There is a cloud of uncertainty penetrating through the energy vibrations of the planet where we must be at peace with disrupted routines and regular habits. As a collective we’re having to adjust, adapt and be flexible day by day, whilst maintaining strength and power in our individual well-being.

I’m always inspired during times of crisis about stories of prisoners in war camps being held against their will. The strange paradox of being oppressively trapped versus the innate freedom and liberty that thrived in their minds. Escaping through the mind was a brief glimpse of sanity that allowed them to leave confinement for a while.

Similarly, we are having to train our minds and emotions to quickly adjust to these uncertain times but there is great freedom and power in all of us that can change the course of our future, even though we may not be able to see it. This doesn’t mean that everything has to stop, it’s just a time for reflection. We can either be victims to situations out of our control or jump on and make the most of it.

Out of the Worst the Best Can Emerge

As nature continues to thrive in its own self-sustaining eco system nothing is a problem for the birds and the trees, it’s business as usual so what can we can learn from our cohabitants? Imagine living in a way that required very little from the materialistic world where we could live and be happy with minimal stuff. The most important learnings in these times are that we’re always in control when we explore our inner universe and that our mood is driven more by mind-set rather than tangible things.

For me personally I have relished in not having to rush around juggling work and daily tasks. Normally first thing in the morning I’ve got a whole list of things I need to do or places to be by the end of the day and I’m quite good at putting a little pressure on myself to constantly take action. But now is an opportunity like no other to create a plan of the improvements I want to make when momentum picks up again.

If you’re feeling a bit stuck, paralysed or oppressed, decide what changes you would like to make with your life now instead of waiting for things to pick back up again. Perhaps you could review habits and behaviours in your health or a review of your job satisfaction, or relationships.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you happy in your job or career?
  • Should you have a different attitude to your finances?
  • What would you change in your social life or relationships?
  • How do you feel being alone with yourself?
  • Do you have a propensity to splurge out on things you don’t need?
  • How are your family dynamics?
  • What have you learnt through this whole confinement experience?
  • Are you being creative and doing enough happy hobbies between work and family commitments?

Although life may feel a bit stagnant or stuck, there is still a future out there waiting to be carved out and now is the perfect time to design new ways of being or reach out for help. So, what will you do differently in your new future and how will you make it happen?

Happy creating!

Picture of By Caroline Rushforth

By Caroline Rushforth

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