A Guide to Being Grounded

A Guide to Being Grounded 

Oh my, this is a subject I feel so passionately about.  It is so very important and yet is ignored by so many.  I will keep this really simple, so here goes. 
Why should we be grounded/earthed? 
There are so many health benefits when we ground and one of the best ways to ground is to go in the garden every day and place our bare feet on the grass.  Perhaps do this for as long as you can (ideally 30 mins a day). The grass/earth contains balancing negative ions and these are believed to reduce inflammation in the body, reduce pain and support our organ systems.  If we reduce inflammation we reduce dis-ease. 
When we are earthed or grounded you will notice you are “anchored”.  Thoughts are not scattered and you do not feel “all over the place” or “fragmented”.  So it is even more important to carry out your grounding practice at times of overwhelm or stress, to keep it all together. 
Why is it so important to ground as an energy worker? 
If you are working with energy and working in a high frequency state/high vibration, it is also vital to keep your feet totally on the ground, so to speak.  YOU MUST BE EARTHED. 
You are providing a safe healing space for another/others.  You cannot provide a totally safe healing space ungrounded.   
When you are earthed you are still an open channel for your work, but you stay “on point”, more protected from other people’s energy and are a robust and stable medium for energy transformational work. 
I encourage practitioners to earth, centre and protect their energy field every morning, before each and every client and then before they go to bed.   There is so much that “goes on” when we sleep and we are vulnerable to negative energy attachment.  This can come unintentionally from our partners, from our un-conscious thoughts and dream processing and from others whilst they sleep, or even from their thoughts.  All of the aforementioned is energy and energy is transferrable! 
What can I do if I cannot access grass every day? 

  • You can create a meditation visualising your feet with roots.  The roots go deeper and wider into the core of Mother Earth.  Allow these roots to reach a beautiful grounding crystal grid.  Pull up that grounding crystal energy into your feet.  Allow your feet to feel weighted and heavy, stabilised and strong.  When you have accomplished this, you are grounded. You can also use the power of breath work to assist your grounding meditation and to induce relaxation. 
  • Carry a grounding crystal such as a smoky quartz or jasper. 
  • Consider having magnetic insoles in your shoes. 
  • Sleep on a grounding sheet at night. 
  • Take grounding energy medicine. 
  • Drink plenty of filtered water. 

Always remember to ground your client at the beginning and at the end of their session with you.  Provide them with water to hydrate and further ground/come back into reality.  Most importantly allow them integration time if they are working face to face with you.  Their energy has changed, they need time to adjust and be safe to travel home. 
Happy grounding.  It is good for you, it is good for your clients and it is great for your health.  Why would you not? 

Picture of By Colleen Young

By Colleen Young

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